March 2, 2024
In Florida, after an auto accident, you may be required by your own insurance company to have an Independent Medical Exam (IME), also known as a Compulsory Medical Exam (CME). This is a medical exam by a physician of their choice. That doctor has no responsibility for your health. Beware! This doctor is not your friend. They are not your doctor. They are hired by the insurance company to cut off your benefits (if they can justify it). They do that by minimizing your injuries and finding that your condition does not warrant further medical treatment, because you are at “Maximum Medical Improvement” (MMI). So, they are hired to help the insurance company justify terminating your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance benefits. Often these doctors are not MDs or DOs but rather are chiropractors who are advising your insurance company that you are at MMI when they are not even licensed to prescribe medications or provide surgical treatment. Yet they are passing judgement on whether you need any more medical treatment. Under Florida law auto insurance companies are required to provide PIP coverage which will pay up to $10,000 for your medical expenses, whether or not the MVA was your fault. That way there is immediate money to pay for (and you can then get) medical treatment. However, some insurance companies are more concerned about their profits than about the welfare of their insureds. So, if they can justify cutting off your PIP benefits, short of the full $10,000, they are saving money. Unfortunately, there is fine print in your policy which allows them to require you to submit to an IME. So, when you go to that exam, be sure to be complete about all of the medical problems, aches and pains the accident has caused. Of course, tell the truth, but don’t understate your medical problems. Insist on telling the IME doctor of any further treatment that you or your doctors think you need. Also, know that you are entitled to have the IME videoed by your own videographer so you can have a complete record of what was said and done at your IME. Call our office if you have any questions.