Auto Accident Attorney of Naples, FL

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Ari • May 10, 2017

Hit and run auto accidents are more common than you may think. According to the State Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were over 90,000 hit and run accidents in Florida in 2015.  Of those, there were 19,000 injuries and 186 deaths.  Almost 25% of all Florida crashes are “hit and run,” and nearly half of them involve pedestrians.  Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime [see F.S. §316.027].  The penalties are severe: driver’s license revocation for 3 years, plus punishment by fine and/or imprisonment as a first, second, or third degree felony, depending on the severity of any injuries caused.  Sometimes these drivers are caught, but many times they are not.

The law (F.S. §§316.027 and 316.062) requires that a driver who is involved in a car accident do several things:

  1. Stop, render reasonable assistance to anyone, including arranging for transportation if medical treatment is necessary; to anyone injured;
  2. Report the accident to law enforcement;
  3. Provide information (name, address, vehicle registration number).

In addition to what the law requires, there are several things a driver can and should, or should not do, after a hit and run accident. The first thing you should not do is leave the scene of the accident.  Chasing after the other driver can create problems for you.  It may raise questions to law enforcement and to the insurance companies as to the actual circumstances of the accident.  Also, you may miss the opportunity to obtain important information and evidence about the accident.

What you should do is:

  1. Remain as calm as possible and, if necessary and feasible, move to a safe place, and help the injured;
  2. Call 911 to report the accident to law enforcement and request medical assistance if needed. Reporting an accident is the best assurance that the details of the crash will be accurately recorded;
  3. Write down as much of the details as you can about the hit and run vehicle: its license plate, make, model, year and color; a description of the driver and any other occupants you saw; a description of any damage and any other distinguishing characteristics of that vehicle; and the direction it was travelling when you last saw it;
  4. Obtain and write down information about all vehicles involved; the drivers; passengers and other witnesses, including their contact information; and
  5. Take pictures! Most cell phones now have a camera. Use it! Take lots of pictures, including damage to the vehicles, the road and scene of the accident, the injuries and the witnesses. Don’t forget photos of the license plates of the vehicles involved. Remember: “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Unfortunately, you cannot always control whether or not you are involved in a hit and run accident. What you can control is the insurance you purchase.  One of the best things you can do to protect yourself from being the victim of a hit and run accident is to buy adequate UM insurance.

Note: This article is provided as a public service and is for general information only. It is not intended, and should not be considered as legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. For specific legal issues it is highly recommended that you consult with a qualified and experienced attorney. You are welcome to call us with any questions about your legal rights.

October 26, 2024
Because I Live Here: In this new series of posts, I will offer some thoughts to help you pick the right attorney for your car accident case. There are many advantages to hiring a local attorney, like me who remembers when the beaches weren’t so crowded. Because I Live Here #1 Because I Live Here: Don’t hire an attorney before you meet them face to face. That is often not possible with a TV lawyer, or an out-of-town lawyer. This is important for several reasons: You want to work with someone you like. You want to make sure that they will communicate clearly. You want to make sure that they won’t talk over you. You want to know that they will take the time to explain things. You will want to know that they will be courteous and respectful. These are all the things that you will know only by meeting the attorney in person. Intake specialists, legal assistants, and case managers will not be your lawyer. This is your case, not theirs. You are the one who will have to live with the choice you make, so make it a good one!
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Seat Belts — Naples, FL — Auto Accident Attorney
By Admin March 12, 2024
Comparative negligence is a legal concept that refers to the amount or percentage of fault that a person shares for their own injuries. In the context of an auto accident, comparative negligence may reduce the recovery of an injured party, even though the accident was someone else’s fault. Under Florida Statute Section 316.614(10) the failure to use seat belts can be considered “comparative negligence.” That is known as “the seatbelt defense.” Since Florida law requires all occupants of a motor vehicle (with only a few limited exceptions) to wear a seatbelt, failure to do so can be used against you if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, by reducing the compensation to which you would otherwise be entitled. The seat belt defense only requires that the following be proven: The victim was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident. The victim had a fully functional seatbelt available. The victim’s injuries were caused or made worse as a result of failure to wear a seatbelt. Injuries caused by failure to wear a seatbelt are often the result of total or partial ejection from the vehicle. That is fairly obvious and easy to prove. However, seatbelt violation injuries can also often result from impact with other passengers in the vehicle, or with the steering wheel, dashboard, windows or other parts of the vehicle. The cause of those injuries is more debatable but still creates an unnecessary problem. Buckle up, Stay Safe and avoid the “seat belt defense”!  At Auto Accident Attorney of Naples, we wish you safe travels. If you are injured in a car accident, you are welcome to call us for a free consultation.
March 2, 2024
In Florida, after an auto accident, you may be required by your own insurance company to have an Independent Medical Exam (IME), also known as a Compulsory Medical Exam (CME). This is a medical exam by a physician of their choice. That doctor has no responsibility for your health. Beware! This doctor is not your friend. They are not your doctor. They are hired by the insurance company to cut off your benefits (if they can justify it). They do that by minimizing your injuries and finding that your condition does not warrant further medical treatment, because you are at “Maximum Medical Improvement” (MMI). So, they are hired to help the insurance company justify terminating your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance benefits. Often these doctors are not MDs or DOs but rather are chiropractors who are advising your insurance company that you are at MMI when they are not even licensed to prescribe medications or provide surgical treatment. Yet they are passing judgement on whether you need any more medical treatment.  Under Florida law auto insurance companies are required to provide PIP coverage which will pay up to $10,000 for your medical expenses, whether or not the MVA was your fault. That way there is immediate money to pay for (and you can then get) medical treatment. However, some insurance companies are more concerned about their profits than about the welfare of their insureds. So, if they can justify cutting off your PIP benefits, short of the full $10,000, they are saving money. Unfortunately, there is fine print in your policy which allows them to require you to submit to an IME. So, when you go to that exam, be sure to be complete about all of the medical problems, aches and pains the accident has caused. Of course, tell the truth, but don’t understate your medical problems. Insist on telling the IME doctor of any further treatment that you or your doctors think you need. Also, know that you are entitled to have the IME videoed by your own videographer so you can have a complete record of what was said and done at your IME. Call our office if you have any questions.
Click It or Ticket — Naples, FL — Auto Accident Attorney
September 26, 2023
Failure to use seat belts is a traffic violation that can get you a ticket in all states but one. New Hampshire is the only State where it is not against the law. It is a primary traffic violation in Florida. That law, Florida Statute Section 316.614 became effective on June 30, 2009. It requires all drivers, front seat passengers and children under the age of 18 to fasten their seat belts. The driver, as well as the passenger can be cited for a violation. Children under 5 must be in child restraint devices appropriate for their age and size. As for backseat passengers over 18, it is a secondary violation, but they are still required to wear a seatbelt. Primary enforcement means that a law enforcement officer is permitted to stop and issue a citation to a driver and passenger if they see a violation of the seat belt law. There are about 17 states that are secondary, rather than primary enforcement states. Secondary enforcement means that the officer can only issue a ticket for a seat belt violation if they have stopped you for some other traffic violation (like speeding). But, except for backseat passengers over 18, Florida is not one of those states. There are several consequences for a violation. A seatbelt ticket carries of fine of $30 for an adult violation and $60 for a violation involving a child (under the age of 18). A court appearance is not necessary, however if the fine is not paid within 30 days it can result in suspension of your license pursuant to F.S. Sec.316.15(1)(a). If you chose to go to court and are convicted, court costs and administrative fees can be added. In addition, 3 points will go on your driving record. That is something that auto insurance companies will notice and can result in higher insurance rates. This ticket is a non-moving violation, so it will not count against or be a basis for suspension of your license (unless the violation involved a failure to use a child restraint for a child under age 5). Buckle up, Stay Safe and avoid a ticket! At Auto Accident Attorney of Naples, we wish you safe travels. If you are injured in a car accident, you are welcome to call us for a free consultation.
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